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Write you own LRU cache cause stdlib don't have any.
March 2, 2025

lrucache is an efficient Least Recently Used (LRU) cache implementation with generics support, thread safety, and O(1) time complexity for operations.

Data Structures:

  1. Hash Map (map[K]*list.Element)
  • O(1) key lookups
  • Stores pointers to linked list elements
  1. Doubly Linked List (container/list)
  • Maintains access order (MRU at front, LRU at back)
  • O(1) insertions/moves/deletions

Eviction Policy:

When capacity is exceeded:

  • Remove last element from linked list (LRU)
  • Delete corresponding entry from hash map
  • Insert new item at list front (MRU)


Install the package:

go get github.com/amitsuthar69/libs/lrucache

Source code:

// lrucache is an in-memory key-value cache
package lrucache

import (

// A CacheItem represents a cached item with its key and value.
type CacheItem[K comparable, V any] struct {
    key   K
    value V

// LRUCache is an in-memory cache for key to value mappings.
// It uses a hash map with a doubly linked list for LRU eviction.
type LRUCache[K comparable, V any] struct {
    // a read-write mutex
    cacheLock *sync.RWMutex

    // a map of string to linked list element
    cache map[K]*list.Element

    // doubly linked list to implmenent LRU
    lruList *list.List

    // max cache size
    capacity int

// NewLRUMap creates a new LRUCache with the specified capacity.
func NewLRUCache[K comparable, V any](capacity int) *LRUCache[K, V] {
    return &LRUCache[K, V]{
        cacheLock: &sync.RWMutex{},
        cache:     make(map[K]*list.Element),
        lruList:   list.New(),
        capacity:  capacity,

// Get returns the corresponding value for the given key.
// If the value exists, it moves the node to the front of the LRU list.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, bool) {
    defer c.cacheLock.RUnlock()

    if val, exists := c.cache[key]; exists {
        item := val.Value.(*CacheItem[K, V])
        return item.value, true

    var zero V
    return zero, false

// Set adds or updates a key-value pair in the cache.
// If the cache is full, it evicts the (LRU) least recently used item.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) {
    defer c.cacheLock.Unlock()

    // If value already exists, move it to front and update the value
    if val, exists := c.cache[key]; exists {
        item := val.Value.(*CacheItem[K, V])
        item.value = value

    // If lru list is full, remove the last item (least recently used) from the list
    if c.lruList.Len() >= c.capacity {
        toEvict := c.lruList.Back()
        if toEvict != nil {
            delete(c.cache, toEvict.Value.(*CacheItem[K, V]).key)

    // push the newly added item in front
    c.cache[key] = c.lruList.PushFront(&CacheItem[K, V]{key, value})

// Delete removes the item from cache.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Delete(key K) {
    defer c.cacheLock.Unlock()

    if val, exists := c.cache[key]; exists {
        delete(c.cache, key)

// Contains checks if key exists in the cache.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool {
    _, exists := c.cache[key]
    return exists

// Returns the current number fo items in cache.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Len() int {
    return c.lruList.Len()


package main

import (


func LRU() {
    lc := lrucache.NewLRUCache[any, any](3)
    lc.Set("name", "amit")
    lc.Set("age", 20)
    lc.Set("height", 6)

    fmt.Println(lc.Get("name"))   // amit, true
    fmt.Println(lc.Get("age"))    // 20, true
    fmt.Println(lc.Get("height")) // 6, true

    fmt.Println("name", lc.Contains("name"))     // true
    fmt.Println("age", lc.Contains("age"))       // true
    fmt.Println("height", lc.Contains("height")) // true

    fmt.Println(lc.Len()) // 3

    lc.Set("package", 11)

    fmt.Println("name", lc.Contains("name"))       // false
    fmt.Println("age", lc.Contains("age"))         // true
    fmt.Println("height", lc.Contains("height"))   // true
    fmt.Println("package", lc.Contains("package")) // true

func main() {