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The GoTTH Stack
September 28, 2024


GoTTH is designed to quickly spin up a Full-Stack Golang Web Application with HTMX, Tailwindcss and Turso SQLite database support.

About the Stack

Includes following Languages and Technologies:

  1. Golang with ServeMux.
  2. TailwindCSS Standalone Executable.
  3. Turso LibSQL (SQLite for Production).
  4. HTMX with Templ as Templating Engine.

Basic Project Guide

├── /internal/                 # Private application and business logic
│   ├── /server/               # Server-specific logic
│   │   ├── server.go          # Core server logic
│   │   └── routes.go          # Route definitions
│   ├── /database/             # Database-related logic
│   |   └── database.go        # Database connection and queries
│   └── /middleware/           # Middlewares
│       └── logger.go          # Logger middleware
├── /static/                   # Static assets (CSS, JS, images, etc.)
│   ├── /css/                  # CSS files
│   │   ├── input.css          # Tailwind input file
│   │   └── style.css          # Generated CSS file
│   └── /scripts/              # JavaScript files
│       └── htmx.min.js        # HTMX JavaScript library
├── /web/                      # Web UI-related handlers
│       ├── hello.templ        # Templating file for the hello page
│       └── hello.go           # Hello handler logic
├── main.go                    # Application entry point
├── Makefile                   # Build automation scripts
├── .air.toml                  # Air live reloading config file
├── tailwind.config.js         # Tailwind CSS configuration
└── tailwindcss                # Tailwind CSS binary

Run the project


Installation Guide

Air for Live Reload

go install github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest


go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest

You can add templ to your local bashrc or zshrc profile config to avoid absolute path while using templ command.


  1. Install the executable binary for your platform from the latest release from GitHub in the root of project.

  2. Make sure to give it executable permissions:

chmod +x ./tailwindcss


go get github.com/tursodatabase/libsql-client-go/libsql
  1. Then Install the Turso CLI, create your database, generate the AuthToken & DB_URL and add them in the .env file.
  2. You can refer this awesome Turso Quickstart Go Docs if you get stuck anywhere.

